Gruppie Constituency Citizen Connect (GC3)
Gruppie Constituency Citizen Connect is an application wherein MLA will be connected with citizens of the taluka or constituency through various booths and members. Through app citizens can raise their issues in the form of tickets which will be solved by officials or departments where in officials MLA and all the citizens are connected in application
Salient features :
- Party/other hierarchy
- Unlimited members
- Productivity relating to issues
- Useful registers for anytime anywhere access
- Complete information about the constituency including infrastructure.
- Automated birthday and wishes
- Automated customized messages to each category of people
- Groups for each booth presidents with booth members and coordinator/s.
- Many committees viz. booth committee, women committee, Youth committee, and many more.
- Discussion in each group.
- MLA/Corporator/Admin can observe all the discussions and participate.
- Live meetings
- Gallery
- Calendar
- Announcement (only MLA/Corporator & admins can post)
- Messages
- Individual teams (e.g. booth presidents, booth coordinators, task force, etc.)
- Productivity -ticketing
Public discussion
- Sub-groups for each booth member with citizen.
- Discussion in each group.
- MLA/Corporator/Admin/Booth Presidents/Booth coordinators can observe all the discussions and participate.
Productivity (For sitting MLA)
- Ticketing from citizen
- Approval from coordinator – level 1
- Final approval by MLA
- Ticket transfer to the official in charge
- Closure by the officer and status
- Status to MLA, Booth president, worker and the citizen who raised the ticket.
Voter register
- Master list – from ECI
- Allocate booth-wise, street-wise to booth presidents & booth workers
- Booth worker makes survey and final voter list is done with 3 categories viz. Living, Moved out & Deceased/Dead
Other features
- Booth presidents, coordinators and members register.
- Various committee registers viz. constituency committee, booth committees, etc.
- Booth wise – member wise voter register (tree)
- Family register.
- Issue and task force register (Department person and party person).
- Caste sub-caste wise citizen and other register
- Education/profession wise citizen and other register
Election day team
- Booth worker (Already there)
- Booth president/coordinator (Already there)
- MLA/Corporator (Already there)
New Team
- Both agent & team (inside & outside booth) (new team) – team should have 1 head and 1or2 persons per election room & equal number outside
- War room (new team) – may be 1 person for every 5-10 booths with one team lead and supporting people